Course Description The fundamentals of business and the economy are changing in every market, in every industry, and in every nation. From YouTube to eGovernment, from iPods, Wii to entertainment initiatives, the impact of technology is changing daily lives more and more each day. This course tries to point out how and why and shows ways we can take advantage of the "revolution" in our personal and professional lives. The class aims to provide various examples so that students will see that transformations are taking place and will think of the consequence.
Teaching in the course is mainly divided into two parts. First part, almost each week an expert with different profession will be invited to give us a talk in one’s own field, such as information technology, biology, macro economics, environmental protection and etc. In this part , students are also required to read the textbook, ”楊棨等著,《廿一世紀:全球科技革命之衝擊》”.
Second part, I will stand in the same opposition with students to think how to respond the technology transformation, how to survive, how to take advantage, and even criticize the legitimacy of a new technology. In this part, Henry C. Lucas’s Inside the Future: Surviving the Technology Revolution will be discussed more.
Requirements and GradingEach student enrolled in the course is required to discuss frequently in class. And from 5th week(Mar. 17-18), each one in turn has to present an oral report in class about ten minutes. One who reports should turn in “PPT (Power Point) file”(or something similar)to the classmates a week ago. The report should introduce a new specific technology, and include the following questions (optional):
1. What is the technology? Your classmates and teacher may never hear of it.
2. How dose it change from the past?
3. What is its impact, especially “global impact”?
4. How do people use the technology?
5. What are advantages and disadvantages of the technology?
6. How shall we respond to the technology and take advantages?
7. Does the technology have any ethical, political problem? What’s the
debate? What’s your position?
8. What is the future goal of the technology? When will it succeed?
9. What will happen if people live without it?
10. Dose the technology lead to “unequal problem”?
Grading: Oral Report with “PPT file” 60%; Class Discussion 40%
ReadingsAntón, Philip S. Richard Silberglitt, James Schneider, 2001, The Global Technology
Revolution: Bio/Nano/Materials Trends and Their Synergies with Information
Technology by 2015, Rand National Defense Research Council.
Ashall, Frank,1998,潘麗芬等譯,《科學大發現》,台北:幼獅。
Boyens, Ingeborg,1999,杜默譯,《基因騙術》,台北:時報。
OECD, 1999, 21st Century Technologies: Promises and Perils of a Dynamic Future,
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
Tumber, Howard and Frank Webster, 2006. Journalists Under Fire: Information War
and Journalistic Practices. London: Sage.
Lucas, Henry C. Jr., 2008, Inside The Future: Surviving The Technology Revolution.
Schedule of Class and Lecture Topics1 Feb.17-18 Course Introduction
Assignment: Lucas’ Chapter 1
2 Feb. 24-25 Eugenics and Cloning
2/25 Speaker: 胡元正博士 (國防醫學院)
3 Mar. 3-4 Technologies and the New War
3/4 Speaker: 唐欣偉博士(Claremont Graduate University)
Only for 3:00-5:00 PM
4 Mar. 10-11 Energy Crisis & Energy-Saving
3/11 Speaker: 郭博堯博士 (North Carolina State University)
5 Mar. 17-18 Electronic Democracy
5/18 Speaker: 胡全威講師
6 Mar. 24-25 Information Technology
3/25 Speaker:謝昇達博士(國立東華大學電機博士)
Spring Vacation
8 Apr. 7-8 Global Financial Crisis
4/8 Speaker:胡聲安分析師(投信策略分析師)
9 Apr. 14-15 Oral Presentation