今日去參觀Sheffield的Weston Park的博物館,雖然範圍不大,典藏也有些紛雜,但是,非常有趣,第一次感受到逛博物館的樂趣。
這是一個教學與學習分享的部落格,主題包括民主政治、政治思想、媒體、傳播、說服等。 歡迎留言或來信 chuanweihu@gmail.com 或可參見網站:「政治、溝通與生活」http://sites.google.com/site/huquanwei2010/
2013年6月27日 星期四
2013年6月20日 星期四
York University: "The new ethnography"
Today I attended the
workshop in York University, “The new ethnography: Affect, anxiety and event”
by Professor Stephen Linstead.
York is a beautiful
town, and has long history. It is said that it started 1000 years ago. In the
downtown, there is an ancient wall along the city.
To my surprise, the
traffic is heavy and a lot of tourists. On the other hand, there are also many
spaces for planting, a wide range of pastry and gorgeous campus
“Ethnography” is
really a strange field. I know the problem or positive empericalism. However,
it’s not easy to accept the way ethnography conduct research. It’ s like a
story and another story.
The professor
recommend, “Ordinary affects”(Kathleen Stewart 2007). He said it’s a very good. He himself also added a lot of stick on the book and said he read the book repeatedly.
Another is “Writing a new ethnography”
Karen Hom, Liquadated,
An Ethnography of Wall Street
What is the theorical
foundation of ethnography? I think it can tell many stories and can tell us
more about the world. We can’t tell these things. You can observe the world,
finding many interesting moment.
For instance, if we
would like to know the theory of cancer, we can read the scientific report
about the recovery rates. But we also can read the narrative story of the
patients with cancer. If we read more and we can understand the patients with
cancer more. Better than mere digital number.
For me, its attractive
point is that it is flexible and can give us a whole (part) image of the
phenomenon in depth.
How do I adopt this
method? I don’t think I am courageous enough to use this method. However, I can
have my research diary. Keep the diary and to see what happened to me. I think
that I can record the observers I investigate.
It’s not easy to have
a bravely new beginning, but I can start it from a first try and make a better
or make it every time. I have to start it today and I hope I can do it better.
I think people devote
themselves to academic life, they have to be interested in books and arguments.
Trust the power of reason and knowledge. Enjoy the game of the words. Enjoy
language and wonder about the world and curious about how people think and
2013年6月19日 星期三
2013年6月18日 星期二
British Library: The Exhibition of Power and Propanganda
今日到大英圖書館,參觀一個名為權力與宣傳(power and propaganda)的展覽。這個展覽大抵在談操作性傳播(propaganda)的問題。其中,國家當然是主要角色,尤其是在戰爭期間,如何提振我方士氣,鼓勵婦女工作(尤其是原先被視為專屬男性的工作),改變飲食習慣(因糧食缺乏,原先吃火雞的,改為吃羊肉)等等;在對外方面,則是打擊敵軍士氣、讓對手恐懼等等。到了近代,有趣的是,宣傳無所不在,這其中包括對 於健康資訊的宣傳,展覽中都拿來檢討。最後則是Twitter的每分每秒的展示,這已經不是單方的,但是卻在引導性下,成為一種宣傳的樣貌。
2013年6月15日 星期六
Drink and dance
In Taiwan, I seldom have chance to drink. In my wife's family, nowadays drinking alcohol almost is forbidden for the reason of the parent's health. Although my mother likes to drink a little bit, I have rare opportunity to eat with her especially in an atmosphere of drink.
Coming to Sheffield two days later, my America friend invited me to drink with other classmates. On that day, we drink in at least three pubs. For me, it is really amazing. Those people came inside even without a seat but standing drink and talk. No one is dancing and no place. Only drink. For them, choosing a good taste is an important decision. I went to the pub several times to celebrate friend's birthday, ViVA past or just hang out. However, I never saw place to dance.
Once, one of my friends invited me to a club with dance place. I was happy to try and know no there was no possibility that someone would be interested in us for we are foreigners. To my surprise, my friend was really fit in the dance club. He dance awkwardly but had his own style. Many young persons are interested in his dances. We can be gather around buy many persons. Anyway, it's a interesting experience. However, the music is terrible loudly. If people often worked or danced here, their ear must get hurt. On the other hand, to know how to dance is good and can enjoy the time.
I know my limits and that's my life. I am glad have a chance to see how it look like and know once that it's not my life there.
Coming to Sheffield two days later, my America friend invited me to drink with other classmates. On that day, we drink in at least three pubs. For me, it is really amazing. Those people came inside even without a seat but standing drink and talk. No one is dancing and no place. Only drink. For them, choosing a good taste is an important decision. I went to the pub several times to celebrate friend's birthday, ViVA past or just hang out. However, I never saw place to dance.
Once, one of my friends invited me to a club with dance place. I was happy to try and know no there was no possibility that someone would be interested in us for we are foreigners. To my surprise, my friend was really fit in the dance club. He dance awkwardly but had his own style. Many young persons are interested in his dances. We can be gather around buy many persons. Anyway, it's a interesting experience. However, the music is terrible loudly. If people often worked or danced here, their ear must get hurt. On the other hand, to know how to dance is good and can enjoy the time.
I know my limits and that's my life. I am glad have a chance to see how it look like and know once that it's not my life there.
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After midnight, there are still a lot of people more than in day time. |
2013年6月13日 星期四
The curious child
I attended a lecture with regard to the curiosity of the child and the museum. I like to listen different lectures. On the one hand, it helps me to learn different things, that exactly why I am here. On the other hand, it's good for me to practice my English ability.
This talk gives me three points:
1. We praise the curiosity of the child, but we don't like "childish" adult. If a adult has too many curiosities, we will despise them as childish?
2. One audience asked about relationship of the curiosity. I felt sick for people always thought of Foucault. It's a little bit unhealthy. Not everything should be involved with power or there are more interesting perspectives. Why should we choose a dark side?
3. In fact, most museums are not friendly with children. Therefore, I think if the museum curator could pay attention of the curiosity of the children. That is good.
Original Information :
The Curious Child
5:15pm, Tuesday 11 June, Humanities Research Institute, Gell Street, Sheffield
The 'Curious Child' is a familiar figure in literature, popular culture and science. In children's books, curious children range from mischievous young figures to restless adventurers. In Developmental and Educational Psychology, too, children are understood through curiosity, and curiosity through childhood. This session explores the figure of the curious child, attempting to distinguish myth from reality. It brings together a series of cultural critics and curators whose work is either about or for children. The speakers will each bring and speak about a 'curiosity' from their museum collection or library.
Kim Streets, Director of Museums Sheffield, will chair the session. The Speakers are: Rachel Mulhearn, Curator and former Director of Merseyside Maritime Museum; David Rudd, Professor of Children's Literature, University of Bolton; and Lyndsey Mackay, Curator of Curious Exhibition, St. Mungo's Musem, Glasgow.
WAS: Writing Advisory Service_some comments
These days just ended the exam week and starts summer vacation. The summer school for language does not begin yet. Therefore, this week the English language center offer many opportunities for writing advisory service. In the past, I could only register about once two week. This week I can go there for one hour every day. It's really useful to revise my paper and have some basic English conversation.
Yesterday, I prepare a draft of paper but the tutor seems not so interested in it. However, we started to have a very long conversation. In the beginning, I introduced the history of Taiwan and China. In fact, it's a very familiar topic for me. I have introduced this one for several times. Later, I felt a little boring. I ask her questions about Britain. She said that Britain is in a mud situation. They feel the economics are very bad. Comparing with decades ago, still in their memory, their life is much better and know their future would be better. However, these years people changed a lot. She though that selfishness becomes more serious. Many of the young generation only think about themselves. They don't think about obligation but rights only. Moreover, drug and alcohol are much serious problems for them. Those hurt rational and reasoning. People cannot think rationally. Immigrants are problems, too. Too many people abuse the welfare and then the government cut the budget more and more. Therefore, she thought the discontent is serious and easily to have a riot.
Yesterday, I prepare a draft of paper but the tutor seems not so interested in it. However, we started to have a very long conversation. In the beginning, I introduced the history of Taiwan and China. In fact, it's a very familiar topic for me. I have introduced this one for several times. Later, I felt a little boring. I ask her questions about Britain. She said that Britain is in a mud situation. They feel the economics are very bad. Comparing with decades ago, still in their memory, their life is much better and know their future would be better. However, these years people changed a lot. She though that selfishness becomes more serious. Many of the young generation only think about themselves. They don't think about obligation but rights only. Moreover, drug and alcohol are much serious problems for them. Those hurt rational and reasoning. People cannot think rationally. Immigrants are problems, too. Too many people abuse the welfare and then the government cut the budget more and more. Therefore, she thought the discontent is serious and easily to have a riot.
2013年6月11日 星期二
再看科技業的例子,趨勢科技一開始就自我定位為跨國企業,以英文溝通深植於企業文化,但趨勢仍不忘找機會精進員工的英語溝通力。以每年舉辦的工程師高峰會(engineer camp)為例,決賽隊伍還要做6分鐘英語簡報。這當中,趨勢科技針對各隊給予英語簡報訓練,藉此刺激員工學習慾和表現慾。
而且,所謂的破英文也已經自成一格,甚至以「新語言」的姿態現身。前IBM法國分公司總經理尚保羅‧奈易耶(Jean-Paul Nerrière),就提倡以簡化到只有1500字的輕巧版英文,取代字彙多如牛毛的英文,叫做「世界通英語」(Globish)。Globish在日、韓掀起風潮,日本樂天、優衣庫都要求員工學習Globish;韓國也出現許多教導Globish的補習班。
反觀台灣,美國教育測驗服務社(ETS,Educational Testing Service)台灣區代表忠欣公司2012年發表「台灣1000大企業員工英語能力調查報告」。調查指出,台灣企業對多益要求是550分,韓國是700分。這巨大的差距,反映出兩國的企業發展現狀。企業經營者與人力資源主管也應該建立公司的語言管理工具,制定語言政策。
(撰文 / 張玉琦 編輯 / 郭明琪,本文取材自《經理人月刊》2013年1月號)
2013年6月10日 星期一
撰文者:朱紀中、許家綸 整理者:許家綸
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2012年國內大學畢業生起薪倒退嚕,而且是亞洲4小龍國家中唯一沒有成長的地區。今年景氣稍見復甦,人力銀行業者預估,年輕人起薪會小幅增長。不過,公司員工多達1 萬3,000人的王品集團董事長戴勝益直言:「台灣年輕人起薪低,最大原因就在不會講英文,22K的元凶就是不重視英文!」
王品連續2年登上媒體調查「新世代最嚮往企業」第1名及「幸福企業」前3名,戴勝益也不斷用新制度鼓勵各階層員工。例如,為了鼓勵工讀生,2年前王品將年終獎金發放對象擴及公司6,500名工讀生;為了讓中階主管穩定,今年開始執行員工持股信託計劃,公司每年將因此增加1.5億至2億元費用。為了鼓勵員工不斷學習,王品的店長1個月平均只有15天在店裡工作,其他時間不是休假、騎車, 就是在受訓、上課。
Why are there many English movies without subtitles?
In Taiwan, it is common to see a Chinese movie with Chinese and English subtitles at the same time. Why Chinese subtitle? It seems not make much sense. If everyone speak Chinese and then, the audience can listen well.
Tracing back to the history, not many people are familiar with Mandarin, which has been then set up as the only official language by Nationalist government since the 1950's (by speculation). At that time, many people in Taiwan only spoke Japanese and Taiwanese. Mainlanders following from the Nationalist government were also from different provinces with diverse dialectics. They were not relatively good in Mandarin. Fortunately, for the Chinese, they speak different dialectic but can recognize the same Chinese characters. Therefore, that a movie has subtitles with Chinese characters quite make sense. Why English title? Prepare to foreign audience, I guess.
This is a historical explanation. Another linguistic explanation, I guess. Chinese is not a language by pronunciation. English is a language by pronunciation, although it is not so matching as Spanish or French. When you heard the sound, you can spell it almost. In other words, to learn English should try to listen more sounds and memory the sound than the vocabulary. When you can say it, you can use the word and almost spell it in a rough right spelling.
In brief, to learn English in a easier way is to listen and speak rather than memory the vocabulary. Because if you can know how to speak, which means you have know the word more than half.
I might need advanced arguments to support this point.
Tracing back to the history, not many people are familiar with Mandarin, which has been then set up as the only official language by Nationalist government since the 1950's (by speculation). At that time, many people in Taiwan only spoke Japanese and Taiwanese. Mainlanders following from the Nationalist government were also from different provinces with diverse dialectics. They were not relatively good in Mandarin. Fortunately, for the Chinese, they speak different dialectic but can recognize the same Chinese characters. Therefore, that a movie has subtitles with Chinese characters quite make sense. Why English title? Prepare to foreign audience, I guess.
This is a historical explanation. Another linguistic explanation, I guess. Chinese is not a language by pronunciation. English is a language by pronunciation, although it is not so matching as Spanish or French. When you heard the sound, you can spell it almost. In other words, to learn English should try to listen more sounds and memory the sound than the vocabulary. When you can say it, you can use the word and almost spell it in a rough right spelling.
In brief, to learn English in a easier way is to listen and speak rather than memory the vocabulary. Because if you can know how to speak, which means you have know the word more than half.
I might need advanced arguments to support this point.
2013年6月8日 星期六
Castleton, Peak District, UK
This week the weather in Sheffield is quite good, sunshine and long day time till 10pm. Play time becomes longer.
My Pakistani friend invites me to visit Castleton. I am very happy that I also want to have a walk on the weekend. We have walked for a while and took a bus 272 from the place near Waitrose, a shopping center. During weekend, the bus comes every hour. Then, we exchange the ideas and information between Taiwan and Pakistan. He told me that there are many female politicians in Pakistan and about alcohol and sex, he explained to me by simile. He says if you ban the entry of the house, many people might get more curious and tries to climb or dig into the house. But if it is open and there might be no people wanting to enter. To ban and control is like this way. In other words, in a conservative society there are more leeway than we can imagine.
What are the most serious problems in Pakistan? I asked. He said, that first is the military power. This military general and soldiers hold their power and protect their own interests, making the civil government only their puppet. To enhance the legitimacy of their existence, they create war and quarrels against India. In fact, according to his perspective, India and Pakistan are the same culture, people. Even, there are more people believing in Muslims in India. Therefore, the difference in religion is not a good reason. Second problem is religious fraud. Some people by the guise of religion cheat others. The final one is ignorance, the illiteracy rate is still high.
He is a very kind person. On the way, he always asked me do you like it? How do you think? You see, it's fantastic, gorgeous and beautiful. Excellent, perfect. All the good words I can use I have practiced all day. I think it might be the difference between trait attribution and culture.
How about Castleton? I read the introduction briefly. It is said that since 1000 AD, people have built castle here and here are the mine of lead. This place is very beautiful and many people are paragliding and hangliding. It is the first time that I meet these player so close and they can say hello to me. The other thing is that they can stay in the sky very long.
My Pakistani friend invites me to visit Castleton. I am very happy that I also want to have a walk on the weekend. We have walked for a while and took a bus 272 from the place near Waitrose, a shopping center. During weekend, the bus comes every hour. Then, we exchange the ideas and information between Taiwan and Pakistan. He told me that there are many female politicians in Pakistan and about alcohol and sex, he explained to me by simile. He says if you ban the entry of the house, many people might get more curious and tries to climb or dig into the house. But if it is open and there might be no people wanting to enter. To ban and control is like this way. In other words, in a conservative society there are more leeway than we can imagine.
What are the most serious problems in Pakistan? I asked. He said, that first is the military power. This military general and soldiers hold their power and protect their own interests, making the civil government only their puppet. To enhance the legitimacy of their existence, they create war and quarrels against India. In fact, according to his perspective, India and Pakistan are the same culture, people. Even, there are more people believing in Muslims in India. Therefore, the difference in religion is not a good reason. Second problem is religious fraud. Some people by the guise of religion cheat others. The final one is ignorance, the illiteracy rate is still high.
He is a very kind person. On the way, he always asked me do you like it? How do you think? You see, it's fantastic, gorgeous and beautiful. Excellent, perfect. All the good words I can use I have practiced all day. I think it might be the difference between trait attribution and culture.
How about Castleton? I read the introduction briefly. It is said that since 1000 AD, people have built castle here and here are the mine of lead. This place is very beautiful and many people are paragliding and hangliding. It is the first time that I meet these player so close and they can say hello to me. The other thing is that they can stay in the sky very long.
2013年6月7日 星期五
A round table of teaching
At noon time, I joined a round table holed by our department with light lunch. The talk invite three Latin scholars to present their research and teaching, also include our teachers to introduce our production week with a multimedia web site: jusnews. net, which is the work by MA students of Journalism Study, University of Sheffield.
Three guest speakers: one from Argentina, she shared with her workshop of civic engagement. She coordinates a free work shop to help the NGO to learn how to apply for the fund, communication or press release. For their efforts, they help the NGO and also gave the students opportunities to learn how to train people. I thought it is not easy only to ask the students as assistants. But they shall gives chances and responsibilities to them. Finally, the experience help them to enter into the society.
Another one from Spain, he offers a map of transparency of each local council information. The third one talked about English teaching program in Spain. Very interesting topics. Our teacher introduces they have a production week for the MA students to conduct media by themselves and learn from experience. I thought in the eastern society, we respect the elder and think students are not mature to handle things well. They have more freedom and respect here. But, just as Daniel Bell indicates that the eastern culture remind the attitude to learn and listen. I think both aspects should make a balance.
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Photo from Alejandro Álvarez Nobell |
My landlord in New Haven
I have never looked for a room to rend in Taiwan. However, I lived in a room rent by my family not looked for by me. All my student life stay in Taipei and I have no experience rending.
When I first time came to the US, I have a emergent job to find a place for my family, two kids and my wife. Fortunately, I lived with a new friend introduced by my brother-in-law. They are Christan and friendly. I felt a little embarrassed to live in a almost stranger's house. Their house is gorgeous. I arrived New Haven in the beginning of July and I have to find a place to stay for the whole year in fifteen days and then I would fly to Santa Cruz to attend an extensive English program supported by my Fulbright scholarship.
In the first days, I walked along the street and looked for the place for release. I tried to call the landlord or company and it is really a difficult step to talk with these issues in English. I felt much frustrated and the price is very expensive. While in Taiwan, all my family lived in a small sing room with bathroom and kitchen, in fact, live in my father-in-law's apartment. In the US, the company did not allow me to rend a single room or studio for my family. They asked me to live in a bigger space, two bedroom or three bedroom, which meant cost more. I was supported by the National Science Council and Fulbright but only enough for me alone not for all my family. Besides, some landlords heard I would take kids and they just said no, because they thought kids might destroy their furniture and make a noise to disturb others.
The day I had to leave for California was coming. I still could not find a place to stay. Finally I found a basement which was cheaper and I did not tell the company that I would bring the kids and I almost sighed the contracts and many documents. This place was neat Yale University, which was the down town with no safe place to walk or play for kids, but much convenient to school. I called home and discussed with my wife. She also told her friend, and her friend said that there might rats in the basement. Indeed, living in a basement, although, it could still have sunshine through the upper window. However, we have to see outside pedestrian's leg and head the loud noise in the down town. I also mentioned the place where I stayed, and my host professor also surprised at my decision.
At last, I turned down the deal. I called the agent, and said sorry that I could not move in for the reason of my family. At that time, I was worried that I might lost money and be sued. Fortunately, he expressed angry and went to talk with his superior and then talked to me that I could go without any compensation. It might be because I did not deposit any money for the contract, and therefore I could end the contract immediately without losing money. Anyway, I felt thankful for the situation.
The last two days, I have to fly to California. On the other hand, my friend also prepared to leave from here for they had a new job in the New York State. That meant I could not stay with them further. They have cleared out all things and waiting for selling it. Just the day before I left, I found a chance to talk with Elky, my landlord finally.
She was an immigrant from German and her husband from Austria. She was not very friendly looking in the beginning, more serious. However, I had to find a place and I talked with her and that I will only live in ten months. But I will pay 11 months and she even did not ask me for deposit. I felt very thankful.
I never dreamed that I could live in a house. They lived in the second and third floor and I lived in the first. Other houses were much more expensive for they looked more beautiful and new, but the price doubled. Or I think because they rend the house for whole building but I only rent for one floor.
Frank was the male landlord. He is 78 years old. At that time, I could not understand very well about what he said. He looked much kinder and nicer, but not easily to communicated with. All the facilities in my room were fixed by him, because the labor was very expensive here. They cleaned the yard and plant all beautiful flowers. We only enjoyed all their contribution. It is really a wonderful place for us to stay. While Emily came to New Haven, she was surprised that we have stayed in an area of mansion. I was proud of that and enjoyed the place very much.
During our residence, our kids really made a noise to disturb them. Elky would call me and ask whether we move the furniture and in fact she knew it was that the kids were jumping. We also had many parties in the house. Emily liked to cook and we enjoyed inviting people to talk with us. We had a great time there. In 2007, we left from the US, and in 2013, I came back and visited them again. I was so glad that nothing changed a lot. They are still there and their room are so elegant. Now, I could almost understand what they talk. I do have some progress.
When I first time came to the US, I have a emergent job to find a place for my family, two kids and my wife. Fortunately, I lived with a new friend introduced by my brother-in-law. They are Christan and friendly. I felt a little embarrassed to live in a almost stranger's house. Their house is gorgeous. I arrived New Haven in the beginning of July and I have to find a place to stay for the whole year in fifteen days and then I would fly to Santa Cruz to attend an extensive English program supported by my Fulbright scholarship.
In the first days, I walked along the street and looked for the place for release. I tried to call the landlord or company and it is really a difficult step to talk with these issues in English. I felt much frustrated and the price is very expensive. While in Taiwan, all my family lived in a small sing room with bathroom and kitchen, in fact, live in my father-in-law's apartment. In the US, the company did not allow me to rend a single room or studio for my family. They asked me to live in a bigger space, two bedroom or three bedroom, which meant cost more. I was supported by the National Science Council and Fulbright but only enough for me alone not for all my family. Besides, some landlords heard I would take kids and they just said no, because they thought kids might destroy their furniture and make a noise to disturb others.
The day I had to leave for California was coming. I still could not find a place to stay. Finally I found a basement which was cheaper and I did not tell the company that I would bring the kids and I almost sighed the contracts and many documents. This place was neat Yale University, which was the down town with no safe place to walk or play for kids, but much convenient to school. I called home and discussed with my wife. She also told her friend, and her friend said that there might rats in the basement. Indeed, living in a basement, although, it could still have sunshine through the upper window. However, we have to see outside pedestrian's leg and head the loud noise in the down town. I also mentioned the place where I stayed, and my host professor also surprised at my decision.
At last, I turned down the deal. I called the agent, and said sorry that I could not move in for the reason of my family. At that time, I was worried that I might lost money and be sued. Fortunately, he expressed angry and went to talk with his superior and then talked to me that I could go without any compensation. It might be because I did not deposit any money for the contract, and therefore I could end the contract immediately without losing money. Anyway, I felt thankful for the situation.
The last two days, I have to fly to California. On the other hand, my friend also prepared to leave from here for they had a new job in the New York State. That meant I could not stay with them further. They have cleared out all things and waiting for selling it. Just the day before I left, I found a chance to talk with Elky, my landlord finally.
She was an immigrant from German and her husband from Austria. She was not very friendly looking in the beginning, more serious. However, I had to find a place and I talked with her and that I will only live in ten months. But I will pay 11 months and she even did not ask me for deposit. I felt very thankful.
I never dreamed that I could live in a house. They lived in the second and third floor and I lived in the first. Other houses were much more expensive for they looked more beautiful and new, but the price doubled. Or I think because they rend the house for whole building but I only rent for one floor.
Frank was the male landlord. He is 78 years old. At that time, I could not understand very well about what he said. He looked much kinder and nicer, but not easily to communicated with. All the facilities in my room were fixed by him, because the labor was very expensive here. They cleaned the yard and plant all beautiful flowers. We only enjoyed all their contribution. It is really a wonderful place for us to stay. While Emily came to New Haven, she was surprised that we have stayed in an area of mansion. I was proud of that and enjoyed the place very much.
During our residence, our kids really made a noise to disturb them. Elky would call me and ask whether we move the furniture and in fact she knew it was that the kids were jumping. We also had many parties in the house. Emily liked to cook and we enjoyed inviting people to talk with us. We had a great time there. In 2007, we left from the US, and in 2013, I came back and visited them again. I was so glad that nothing changed a lot. They are still there and their room are so elegant. Now, I could almost understand what they talk. I do have some progress.
2007/6 |
2006/10 |
2013/5 |
2013年6月5日 星期三
Leeds University: Class of Methodology
Today I attended a class in Leeds University. Leeds, York
and Sheffield are the alliance of White Rose. These universities apply for fund
by patterns of gangs to gather to group to show its size power.
This class is about methodology, entitled as “Understanding
the Impact of Research Perspectives: The Importance of Metatheory, Research
Methodology and Reflexivity in Crafting Qualitative Research.”
To be brief, the professor indicates that any research
should be aware its approach is objective, subjective or intersubjective. Each
approach has its respective ontological and epistemic assumption. Moreover,
depending on different approaches has each rationality, durability, meanings,
historicity, mediation and form of knowledge. Objectivism relies on objective
reality and believe we can grape with it by specific procedure, and it
emphasizes causal relation. Subjectivism think that social realty is created by
human construction. There is no objective outside reality. And we can
understand and enrich human understanding. Intersubjectivism seems to stand
between and emphasize objective should be through dialogue and conversation to
create together.
This class stimulates me to read more about methodology and
research methods. Social science emphasizes the importance of “methods”. It is a necessary to have a clear concept of
methodology. In addition, in the beginning of the talk, the professor tells us
each time when we read or write an article. We should think about two things.
One is contribution. Does it contribute to theory, methodology or practice?
Second is coherence. Does the paper conduct coherence and rigor in validity? I think these two simple standards are very
University of Leeds, Business School |
City Council, Leeds, UK |
2013年6月3日 星期一
First School of Education Research Student Conference
Today, I attended a student conference by school of education. The students who sponsor the conference are really nice and willing to spend time on these, offering a chance for us to practice and learn from others. It is also a place for social interactions.
I met a lady who said that she is a political activist from Yemen. She looks tough and enjoys talking about politics. She talks about the problem of NGO, which every critical. She claims that these NGOs have spent years in these poor countries. Why is there no change? She says that because these people in NGOs don't really want the poor independent. If all the needed can stand alone. All these NGOs have no reason to survive. So they don't really want to help the people. They consider themselves first. Second, she mentions that these foreign representatives with money come to their places. They don't know anything about the rural area but want to tell the local people to change. How could be possible? These people don't know local people needs and have and have-not. First point, I thought it a little too cynical. However, I am not qualified to judge. Second point is quite convincing for me. She campaigns for woman' s empower of education. In poor countries, girls are sacrificed for the boys, she says.
Another interesting article, one of my friends has many activities for the audience to play, including drawing and tell the drawing to the one sitting besides you. She also asks us what is our definition of a better English teacher. I find it interesting to have all these activities, not only attend a lecture. Another lecture which I am interested in, the presenter seemingly from Middle East very good Englsh, is about rhetorical moves in an English article. She emphasizes that it's good to emphasize the result of a study and make the article clearly.
I myself present "Learning 'Rhetoric': To be a part of Education". I argue that political rhetoric shall be a part of civic education, which will make our democracy better. I hope to write it in Chinese this summer.
I met a lady who said that she is a political activist from Yemen. She looks tough and enjoys talking about politics. She talks about the problem of NGO, which every critical. She claims that these NGOs have spent years in these poor countries. Why is there no change? She says that because these people in NGOs don't really want the poor independent. If all the needed can stand alone. All these NGOs have no reason to survive. So they don't really want to help the people. They consider themselves first. Second, she mentions that these foreign representatives with money come to their places. They don't know anything about the rural area but want to tell the local people to change. How could be possible? These people don't know local people needs and have and have-not. First point, I thought it a little too cynical. However, I am not qualified to judge. Second point is quite convincing for me. She campaigns for woman' s empower of education. In poor countries, girls are sacrificed for the boys, she says.
Another interesting article, one of my friends has many activities for the audience to play, including drawing and tell the drawing to the one sitting besides you. She also asks us what is our definition of a better English teacher. I find it interesting to have all these activities, not only attend a lecture. Another lecture which I am interested in, the presenter seemingly from Middle East very good Englsh, is about rhetorical moves in an English article. She emphasizes that it's good to emphasize the result of a study and make the article clearly.
I myself present "Learning 'Rhetoric': To be a part of Education". I argue that political rhetoric shall be a part of civic education, which will make our democracy better. I hope to write it in Chinese this summer.
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