2014年4月13日 星期日

Note on Mearsheimer's "Say Goodbye to Taiwan"

Note on John J. Mearsheimer's "Say Goodbye to Taiwan"









l   The main reason for relying on theory is that we have no facts about the future, because it has not happened yet.
n   “The present only has a being in nature; things past have a being in the memory only; but things to come have no being at all”, said Thomas Hobbes.
u  Thus, we have no choice but to rely on theories to determine what is likely to transpire in world politics.
l   John J. Mearsheimer’s realist theory of International relations
n   The structure of the international system forces countries concerned about their security to compete with each other for power
n   The ultimate goal of every major state is to maximize its share of world power and eventually dominate the system.
n   In practical terms, this means that the most powerful states seek to establish hegemony in their regions of the world, while making sure that no rival great power dominate another region.
u  Three defining characteristics
l   1. The main actors are states that operate in anarchy, which simply means that there is no higher authority above them.
l   2. All great powers have some offensive military capability, which means they have the wherewithal to hurt each other.
l   3. No state can know the intensions of other states with certainty, especially their future intentions.
l   Why might the US eventually forsake Taiwan?
n   1.  Taiwan is so close to the Chinese mainland and so far away from the US.
n   2. Taiwan is an especially dangerous flashpoint, which could easily precipitate a Sino-American war that is not in America’s interest.
l   Taiwan’s strategies toward China’s Unification
n   1. Taiwan can develop its own nuclear deterrent.
n   2. Conventional deterrence
n   3. “Hong Kong strategy”
u  works hard to make sure that the transition is peaceful and that it gains as much autonomy as possible from Beijing
l   There is one set of circumstances under which Taiwan can avoid this scenario
n   Beijing has serious political problems
u  Unfortunately for Taiwan, it has no way of influencing events so that this outcome actually becomes reality.
l   In sum, a powerful China isn’t just a problem for Taiwan. It is a nightmare.
